What’s new in SAP Marketing Cloud 20.05?

Teun van den Elzen, 13 May 2020

As part of SAP’s continuous improvement of products SAP Marketing Cloud is upgraded quarterly. It is May and time to take a look at the brand new 20.05 release of SAP Marketing Cloud. This blog provides an overview of the most important new features SAP has added to SAP Marketing Cloud. In the weekend of May 2nd SAP has upgraded all test tenants. The production environments will be upgraded in the weekend of May 16th.

Dynamic Customer Profiling and Segmentation

Additions to data file load app

In prior releases, SAP introduced the Data File Load App as a future replacement for the import monitor app, to provide users with more flexibility and insights to upload data (CSV, XML). In the 20.05 release, SAP added validation rules for marketing areas. Loaded data is checked against marketing areas of the user and only records assigned to marketing areas in the user profile are loaded.

As part of this release the upload of permissions and subscriptions is now also possible with the data file load app.

Interaction Details for Business Users

The interaction details for business users upgrade is really nice looking and a major step forward towards the 360° view of accounts and contacts. In the old interactions tab on the contact it was cumbersome to see the exact customer journey of the contact, but with the new dedicated interaction details UI, things all look a lot better. Before 20.05 it was needed to navigate to a single interaction to see the details, but now all interactions of a contact are nicely grouped.

Old view
Old view


New view
New view

Lead and Account Based Marketing

Integration of Business Partner from Cloud for Customer

SAP provided a new integration for accounts and contacts. Accounts and contacts are in the new integration replicated as business partners. With this change it will be possible to create B2B Contact to Account relationships and lead creation processes will be simplified. This change is furthermore a prerequisite to connect more than one Cloud for Customer system.

Campaign and Journey Orchestration

Multichannel Campaign

Here is one feature that is a great addition to the SAP Marketing Cloud product. With multichannel campaigns it will be possible to combine external campaigns with your SAP Marketing Cloud campaigns. You can for instance build a campaign in Marketing Cloud which in the end identifies the right customers to show your Google ads through the Google Campaign manager. For now, support is given on the combination of SAP Marketing Cloud campaigns with the Google Campaign Manager and custom integrations, but as the product will be improved every quarter, we can expect support for other external campaign tools in the future!

(New) Email Editor

In a prior release SAP introduced the (new) Email editor. This (new) email editor is now labelled as Email Lite. Email Lite is a more intuitive editor than the previous and will get more functionalities every release. New in this release is for instance the built in preview functionality of Litmus. You are able to preview your email in 90+ apps and devices to make sure your emails look good in any inbox! You will need a separate Litmus license for the Litmus email preview functionality, but after that, the setup is easy. You just have to login with your Litmus credentials and you are good to go.

The already existing feature in the old editor to use products in emails is now also available for the easy to use Email Lite editor. Products are added directly from your product database, so changes to the database will automatically be reflected in you email content.

A new feature to Email Lite is the option to add a preview text. With a well chosen subject/preview text combination you can increase the open rate of your emails.


It is now possible to record interaction attributes in a form. If you for instance have a download button in your form, this can be converted to an interaction with the interactions attribute usage. With this feature it will be possible to trigger follow up activities like the creation of a lead, based on the download button in a form.

Improved landing page security with Google reCAPTCHA v3.

With this release it will be possible to configure a captcha to use in landing pages. By using the captcha element you will reduce the likelihood of bot spam on your forms by verifying that a system entry is not created by a bot. The reCAPTCHA 3 element is primarily invisible to the enduser, but will help you detect bots when needed. Want to learn more? Check here.

Marketing planning and performance

Marketing Calendar

With the additions to the marketing calendar SAP definitely improves the user experience of the marketing managers. The marketing calendar is intended to help managers, by providing an overview of campaigns. However, this tool was a bit underdeveloped, until now. In this release SAP added extra filter options (for spend item) and most important it added color-codes for objects. It becomes a lot easier to identify campaigns on the calendar which are of most interest.

Old Calendar
Old Calendar


New Calendar
New Calendar

User Interface

Side Navigation

As a frequent user of SAP Cloud for Customer I always struggle to find the applications I need with the Fiori Launchpad tile structure in SAP Marketing Cloud. With the new side navigation that comes with the 20.05 release, those struggles will all be gone. The new side navigation will be available for the marketing expert role and re-uses the structure and content of the SAP Fiori Launchpad.

Embedding External Content

To conclude this ”what’s new” my personal favorite feature: Embedding external content. As of this release it is possible to embed external content on the header or a section on an object page. With this feature you can show contextual content to extend the information that is already in SAP Marketing Cloud. The embedded content is URL based and it is possible to add parameters. You can for instance show the location of your customer on google maps or detailed product information from your product database.

If you have any question on the 20.05 release of SAP Marketing Cloud please feel free to contact us via info@acorel.nl or use the comment box below to get in touch.

Teun van den Elzen

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