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Pieter Rijlaarsdam, 28 July 2015

Dear Reader,

On July 28th 2010, we started this blog with an article on enhancing a component and a view in the CRM Webclient.

The idea was to have a centralized place to share knowledge on topics related to our professional expertise, SAP CRM. The most important goal was to have good quality content on a steady basis. Every Wednesday at 12:00 CET.

We started off slow. With merely 23 pageviews in August 2010, I am very proud to serve more than 20.000 pageviews per month and over 400 email subscribers to our newsletter today, adding value to SAP projects around the globe.

Over the years, topics have varied, SAP CRM, BCM, Interaction Center, Webclient programming, SOAP interfaces, workflow, C4C, Hybris, etc, with a changing technology pushing towards SAP HANA and Cloud.

As Acorel grew, so did the number of contributors. It is these contributors that I would like to thank today. I am very proud to note that since the start, we have not missed a single Wednesday, all thanks to these devoted writers.

We plan to continue posting weekly and I hope you will be enjoying it as much as I do.

Pieter Rijlaarsdam

Pieter Rijlaarsdam

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