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Transform your company starting with an Enterprise Mobility Strategy

Chahid Kharmich, 21 August 2013
As the adoption of smartphones and tablets continues to grow in both the consumer and enterprise world, mobility is quickly transitioning to the second wave of mobility predicated on applications. The consumerization of enterprise mobility, powerful and connected smartphones and tablets have penetrated every facet of our personal and professional lives and are used continuously over the course of the day. Organizations are now quickly recognizing the power and value of providing mobile applications to both their employees and their customers. 
To be prepared as an organization, the mobility fundamentals, an Enterprise Mobility Strategy should be developed to enable the IT organization to deliver the business’s required mobility solutions today and to flexibly accommodate future innovation in mobile technologies. In the last year I’ve developed and introduced two mobility strategies for large customers which resulted in the next mobility excellence model which shows the nine main components of a Mobility Strategy:

We’ll briefly explain the nine components of the Mobility Strategy:

1. Corporate culture, constraints and influencers: Both internal corporate culture, such as how employees communicate and collaborate with each other, and external influencers, such as where and to whom service will be provided, directly affect the way organizations manage and conduct their business. Consider these factors while developing your mobility strategy.
2. People-readiness, process optimalization and change management: Becoming a mobile enterprise will surely require some organizational changes and business process re-engineering. Mobility isn’t just another user interface or access method — it’s an opportunity to transform how companies and industries conduct their core business.
3. Mobile Architecture: To guide your IT team as your business adopts mobile technologies, you’ll need a comprehensive set of architectural guidelines that are flexible enough to promote innovation, accommodate different enterprise systems (both SAP and non-SAP), and enable your organization to quickly adopt future advances in mobility. You need to understand the tradeoffs of alternative mobile application architectures and develop a decision framework for when to use a given architecture (for example: native or html5). You could decide to develop a cloud-friendly architecture that allows seamless roaming between smartphone, tablet and laptop over the course of the day.
4. Mobile Technology Infrastructure (MEAP): A mobile infrastructure consists of all the systems, devices, and tools required to deliver, secure, support, and manage mobile applications.
5. Enterprise Mobile Roadmap: Showing quick wins is essential when creating the business case for mobility in the organization. Converting broad mobility goals into a list of desired mobile applications. For each mobile application create an executive summary that identifies the primary objectives, tangible and intangible business benefits, most important capabilities and features, primary users, primary beneficiaries, etc. Prioritize mobile applications ‘wish list’ based on business benefit to create an enterprise mobile roadmap.

6. Mobile User Experience: User experience extends beyond nice screens. The iPhone and Android, for example, didn’t revolutionize our collective mobile user experience just because their screens are sharp. It’s the way that their mobile apps interact with users, along with the reliability and performance of these apps, that impresses users most. Enterprises can learn from the consumer apps market by establishing a framework of roles and guidelines for developing their own mobile apps. 
7. Mobile Device Management Strategy: As mobile devices become managed more like traditional PCs, organizations will need to leverage scalable tools for deploying “standard” applications. To control the large numbers of different devices, an organization should define a mobile device management strategy that provides full life cycle support for mobile devices, mobile applications and associated data stores.
8. Mobile Security Management: As mobile devices, mobile applications and cloud-based solutions continue their explosive growth, one of the most important things that organizations will need to focus on will be information loss protection and prevention for both consumer and corporate data. Evaluate security risks and develop a response plan at each point in the end-to-end mobile transaction flow and mobile application life cycle support processes. 
9. Mobility Governance Strategy: The speed of innovation in the mobile technology space is faster than what any organization can accommodate. Trying to adopt mobility at that same breakneck speed could be disruptive and risky for your business. Therefore, mobility governance should be an element of your mobility strategy.
With an enterprise mobility strategy in place, an organization can quickly adopt new mobile technologies in a sustainable and secure manner.

Chahid Kharmich

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