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What can a mobile enterprise application do for my company?

Pieter Rijlaarsdam, 07 January 2015

A question you might be asking yourself.
My thoughts are… a lot. But what exactly?

I think there are a couple of questions you can ask yourself before we start:

Does my company have light users?

Light users would be users who log in to your enterprise application on occasion.

Does my company use workflow?

Here I would mean workflow as a process. Does the action of one user trigger a needed action from another user? This can in practice be currently facilitated by email.

Do my users look for the same information frequently?

For instance customer lookup, lead and opportunity follow-up…

Are some users only occasionally in the office?

Like salesreps…

Has the world changed?

Is it true that in our every day life we are shifting from the larger (computer) screen to the smaller (smartphone / tablet) screen?
Is it true that our smaller portable device can benefit from location awareness, touch screen etc?
Does a bear…?

So… The time for a mobile strategy is now!

And who better to ask than SAP to assist you?
Take a look at
Basically, SAP is saying ‘this is what you need, but let’s do it right’.
I must agree. There are a few hurdles to take in your mobile strategy. 
For instance, don’t start too big,

Choose the right process to ‘mobilize’. 
Choose the right users, 
Choose the right information.
Think about security.
Think about performance.
Think about the on-boarding process.
Decide on online(easy) vs offline(complex).
Decide on native vs HTML5.
Decide on standard vs custom built.
We’re here to assist. Take a look at or contact us via the site or the comments below to get more information on our mobile strategy package.

Pieter Rijlaarsdam

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