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Just Start!

Romke Velders, 14 June 2017

It is hardly a cliché to always retrieve in a blog on the prominent examples of (world) known organizations that have been seeking bankruptcy in recent years. It has become clear that in the current market nothing is certain.

If you are successful today, that success can turn into stagnation or retardation tomorrow.
No organization wants to be caught by reality and getting into the same waters as those previously renowned market names that no longer exist today.
What’s certain is that there are an increasing number of innovative organizations at the gates of the established order to change the game forever and forever.
For example, Facebook with a bank license, Google, which starts insurances, The Ali Baba Group, which spreads the financial world with the Ant Financial Services Group (formerly Alipay) and the Powerwall of Tesla.
These innovators or perhaps more disruptors are following up quickly and ensure organizations that they have to be alert for unexpected threats at all times.
There are organizations from the ‘old world’ that are doing fine thanks to the flourishing economy. In spite of that fact, they are not ready for the future and are certainly not sure if they will survive the first emerging innovator in their market.
You can recognize 4 different types of organizations that you could even translate into Maslow’s theory;
– The organization that doesn’t see the need for it because their ‘business’ is still “good” or because it believes that competition doesn’t apply to them (unconsciously incompetent)
– The fear-driven organization that does not really want to innovate, but just start with it because they are afraid to be overcome by the competitor and are afraid to miss the opportunity as a result (consciously unable)
– The entrepreneurial organization that is always open to improvements and innovations because it offers opportunities (unconsciously competent)
– And of course you have the innovative start-up which is not hindered by legacy such as existing business and / or IT processes (aware and competent)
Which one of the organization types listed above apply to your organization?
It is not a surprise that, apart from the aforementioned organization, each organization is busy with innovative developments such as Digitalization, Machine Learning, Big Data, Blockchain, Durability and/or the Internet or Things.
Unfortunately, innovation within disadvantaged organizations is delayed by the lack of an optimal internal communication.
One of the most important retarders of innovation is the lack of understanding and the miscommunication between IT and Business. Discussion often arises on who of these two departments is in the lead. Discussion on this issue is unnecessary as it should be a joint effort based on equivalence.

To make a flying start it is good to maintain the following points:
There should not be an internal battle who is in the lead or in charge of an innovation project.
Innovation is successful when they are approached as a joint effort based on equivalence. Without business, innovations will not be launched into the market and without IT, innovation will not be realized either.
One Goal
Make sure that you’re aware of the current situation. Find out background details that can be used to make sense of the business situation.
Although everybody in the organization is convinced that he or she knows exactly the business situation, you’ll be amazed at the different insights within the organization.
When you have made the business situation clear, choose only a single goal. Just remember that you’re chances to win a match significantly reduces when you participate in multiple games at once.
Start small
Prevent your innovation project from becoming unnecessarily complex. To complete the project successfully ensure that the scope of the project is limited.
Make sure you start the project small to achieve your goal rapidly and successfully.
Easy Language
Keep it simple, use ‘language’ which anyone in the entire organization understands. This will increase the ability to accept the innovation to be achieved.
Don’t hesitate to ask if something is not clear for you. You will notice that you’re not the only one with that question.
Avoid abbreviations
Abbreviations cause ambiguity.
Share and celebrate successes
Share any success, no matter how small. Shared successes radiate positivity and creates enthusiasm within your team and within the whole organization!
Keep trying
Not every initiative to innovate will become a success immediately. So, don’t stop but keep on going until you reach your goal!
Just Start!
Don’t be afraid and just start. What possibly can go wrong if you start to innovate?  The worst thing that can happen is that you do not start and you will get caught up by an organization that did innovate!
When you’re curious how Acorel can help you with your innovations please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Romke Velders

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