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What’s new in SAP C/4HANA 1811 release

Mark Peeters, 10 October 2018

Another 3 months have past since the last release briefing of Acorel, so it’s about time to dive in the new features of the upcoming 1811 release of  C/4HANA. In the weekend of 20 Ocotber the test tenants will be upgrade and the production tenants will follow in the weekend of 3 november.

As there are quite some changes/enhancements in this new release 18.08, we will try to give you an overview of the main highlights in today’s blog.

What’s new in Platform and Integration

End of Life Notifications

Fiori Client

P&I New Topics

Mobile & Offline




Key User Tool

  • Hide and Reorder Work Center view on Business Roles
  • Add Mashups and Web services to Transport Management

Client side Groupware Integration

  • Drag and Drop emails directly to Leads on the Shelf in the Outlook plugin.

Pre Packaged Integration

  • When a Contact is deleted in ECC the contact person record in C4C is set to obsolete in case no relation to other accounts exists. Previously only the relationship was deleted.

What’s new in Sales

Account & Contacts

  • Customer Merge
    • Closed transactions can now be changed to surviving Account (Fine Tuning)
    • A new Data Source for linking Obsolete Account and Surviving Account is available
    • With 1811 you can create a custom development for the save of The merged account. NOr


  • New Sales Area Depended Fields  are available (also included in ECC integration) .


    • Price Lists
    • Price Groups
  • Via de ODATA Service of C4C a Contact Duplication check can be triggert

Sales Quote

  • Total Order Weight Aggregation
  • Mass Copy Paste (this option is available in all lists)


Sales Order
  • Total Order Weight Aggregation
  • Mass Copy Paste
  • Support fro Extension fields ion Offline Pricing
  • Private Appointment support
  • Add object reference for Completed Visits
    • After the fact binding of objects
  • A sidebar view is available that will show a TimeLine of all Customer Visits.
  • Geo Fencing Visit Check Out Reminder
  • Personal Filters
    • Appointment, Visit, Phone, Assignment
  • Updating Marketing Attributes via Survey’s
  • Disable Add Products button

What’s new in Service

Live Activity
  • Chat Support
  • Contracts
  • New Signature Tool will allow creation of signature via Service Templates and addition to email in Ticket.
    • Corporate and Personal signatures
    • Feature to apply signature automatically will come in a later release
  • You can now assign a Service Category Catalog to a Ticket Type. Multiple Catalogs can be active at the same time (one per ticket type of course)
    • for this release Odata and offline is not yet supported .
  • Scan Serial ID for adding Registered Product
  • My Queue and My Team Queue Tiles on Fiori Home Screen
  • Enable Extension Scenario for Account Sales Data fields to Ticket
  • Custom Party Roles are now able to receive notifications/activity tasks via Work Flow. For email this was already available.
  • Set to Irrelevant can be triggert via  Work Flow
Installed Base & Registered Products
  • Account Merge Support
  • Add products via barcode
  • Sales Quote Tab
  • Sales Contract as Follow Up from Quote
  • Form template Selection
  • Introduce fields Sales Office and sales 

Mark Peeters

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