The power of inspiration

Sjoerd Schobbers, 22 July 2020

Inspiration. People get it from anywhere. Their work, their hobbies, their families or even from their personal and business challenges. It can be a fleeting feeling. Also in business, where feeling inspired is often key to being engaged, productive and successful. And that’s all what we would like to be, wouldn’t we?

According to Collins dictionary, inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, that gives you new and creative ideas. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to do with our inspiration sessions at Acorel.
At Acorel we’ve got our own way of working to maximally inspire organisations in the field of Customer Experience.

1. Insights
On the one hand this involves gaining insights of the customer, for example by reading their annual report, reading the latest news and visit their website. On the other hand, this is about giving the customer insights in what customer experience means in their specific market and to make sure that they see the necessity of offering a good customer experience to their customers.

2. Interviews
To really inspire and help the customer personally, we conduct interviews with a specific set employees of the business side of the company. Especially with employees of the business side because they are in touch with the customers (almost) every day. With the input from the interviews we go our drawing board to really start the preparations of the inspirations session. The input is used to uncover pain points and show opportunities for improvement.

3. Inspire
The power of inspiration, the moment of truth. This can be done in many ways, but let’s think further than giving a PowerPoint presentation. At Acorel we invite customers to visit the SAP Experience Center where we use inspirational spaces to deliver the best experience as possible:
– The welcome space: to start, drive and accelerate the journey of the prospect
– The inspiration space: prospects can experience showcases and innovative demos about new solutions and business models
– The creative space: prospects can kick-start their transformation and journey through workshops
– The immersive experience: prospects will be immersed in a complete storytelling experience to discover the impact of intelligent technologies on the business value chain

At Acorel, we believe in the power of inspiration. It has pointed out to be the first and crucial step towards successfully helping our customers. Both we as Acorel and the customers who have been at our Experience Center have admitted the added value of their visit. In fact, apart from inspirational showcases, customer success stories and newest technology stimulating innovation and new creative initiatives, customers here jointly put their efforts into the future of their business.

We see many organizations seeing the urgency of CX, but struggling with starting the initiative. These sessions stimulate internal alignment and collaboration, by jointly discussing about business challenges and potential solutions.

Are you the next one for an inspiration session at Acorel?

Sjoerd Schobbers

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