is pinterest worth it for b2b

Is Pinterest worth it for B2B?

Carolien Molenaar, 29 September 2021

Today I want to talk to you about your social media marketing strategy, especially about Pinterest and how Pinterest can help your B2B business create new touchpoints for inspiring future customers.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest has 459 million monthly active Pinterest users worldwide in Q1 of 2021 and experienced a growth of 37%. Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that is mainly seen as a source of inspiration where new products and ideas can be discovered. This makes it especially interesting for the retail, interior, crafts, food & drink industries.

By using Pinterest it is possible to reach your specific target group at an earlier stage of their shopping process. This process starts months before the actual purchase and is unique to Pinterest in comparison to other social media. As a result, the platform has a unique added value that other platforms do not (yet) have.

There is a lot of potential on this platform, but this does not mean that you should create a business account right now. Start by researching if your customers are already using the platform or have seen this platform pop up often in their customers’ conversations.

What does the platform look like?

Pinterest uses pins that can be images, videos, and products. Each pin consists of a title, description, created account and possibly a link to the website. Do you like a pin? Then you can save it on one of your boards. You can also add a comment to a pin or forward it to friends.

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pintrest pin b2b pintrest b2b

How do you start as a Pinterest company?

Decide in advance how you design your pins and boards as a company. Pinterest has a guide that is full of great tips to help you understand how to choose or create the best images for your pins. I can already hear you thinking ‘my visuals aren’t appealing’ or ‘I am offering a service’. As a result, you have not yet created relevant visuals. Remember that your product affects the lives of other people in some way and use this as an image. Think about what your product or service does for other people. You have researched the interest of your target group, use this for your content strategy. The advantage of Pinterest is that you can use your older content and it will be seen as valuable. Google gives more weight to newer content. However, you will have to maintain your account regularly to stimulate brand awareness and website traffic.

So, does Pinterest enrich your B2B businesses?

The answer is both yes and no. It won’t make sense with every company. if you as a company sell potatoes, this platform will be less relevant than a company that sells office supplies. Your customers, marketing goals and overall business target & capacity all play a role in deciding where to focus your social media marketing efforts. Hopefully this post has given you some inspiration to think about your social media marketing strategy.

Carolien Molenaar

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