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Evaluate your campaign performance by filling in the AIDA-model with Emarsys Data

Sophie Derksen, 05 October 2022

Do you want to measure your marketing performance from a customer journey perspective, but do you find it hard to decide which data is useful? Since Emarsys data is structured and configured to highlight the most relevant data for you, SAP Emarsys can be the ultimate tool to measure your performance using the AIDA-model.

The AIDA-model

For the ones who do not know the AIDA-model yet, now is the time to get informed and get up and running with it. Especially because customer journey marketing becomes more and more important in this market where omnichannel sales and online marketing create an endless amount of customer touchpoints. The AIDA-model is a model used in marketing that describes the steps a customer goes through in the process of purchasing a product and therefore helps you focus on the most important parts of complex customer journeys. It is a 4-step model, as you can see below.

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You can use this model as a checklist while creating a marketing campaign or you can use it to measure whether and how your current campaigns act on all stages. Next, I will show you how to break down an SAP Emarsys Automation Center program into the different stages of the AIDA-model and how to measure the campaign, using the key values of Marketing and the AIDA-model.

SAP Emarsys & the AIDA-model

Imagine you have created an Automation Center program in the SAP Emarsys platform. Your goal is to stimulate customers to purchase your new launched brand. So, an e-mail will only be sent to customers who abandoned the pages of your new brand, after a specified amount of time. In this example after 20 minutes. The picture below shows an example of how your Automation Center program might look like. Please note that I framed the nodes of the program related to the AIDA-model in the corresponding color.

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Program with stages of the AIDA-model

The campaign is live for a few days now. You are wondering if it acts on all stages in the purchase process of your customers. You would like to measure how you are doing according to the AIDA-model. Do you even cover all stages and if so, on which of the stages are you performing outstanding and which stages need attention?
Below, I wrote down some examples on how to analyze this program per stage of the AIDA model. Please note that these examples do not cover all analytical capabilities related to Emarsys & the AIDA-model. I have also added some tips on how you can improve you campaign on every stage.


To analyze this stage of the AIDA-model, it is important to have a look at which parts of your marketing campaign are engaging and will attract attention. In this program, the first touchpoint of your target group with your new brand is the very first moment they view the product page. Let’s navigate to that specific product page on your website and ask yourself the following questions:


To analyze this stage of the AIDA-model, it is important to look at which parts of your marketing campaign are of interest to your customers. In this Automation Center program, this is where the e-mail campaigns are of importance.

How to analyze interest?

Let’s navigate to one of your e-mail campaigns from your program in SAP Emarsys by going to: Channels > E-mail Campaigns. Filter on your campaign, open it and ask yourself the following questions:

Do you see possibilities to improve on the points mentioned above? Then please do so. This will help you to improve your campaign and will make it of interest to your target group.

How to analyze interest in rates?

Another very useful tool to evaluate the interest stage from the AIDA-model, is by looking at the open rate and click through rate (CTR). To analyze this, please navigate to the e-mail reporting page of Emarsys by going to Analytics > Emails. Here you will find an overview of all campaigns and the corresponding rates. Search for one of your e-mail campaigns and analyze the points below.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you see possibilities to improve on the points mentioned above? Then please do so. Some of the following tips might help you with that.

Tips to grow open rates:

Tips to grow CTR:


To analyze this stage of the AIDA-model, it is important to have a look at which parts of your marketing campaign create desire. In this Automation Center program, this is where the product pages from your new launched brand and the shopping basket/cart are of importance.

How to analyze desire?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you see possibilities to improve on the points mentioned above? Then please do so. Some of the following tips might help you with that.

Tips on how to create desire:

How to analyze desire in rates?

Ask yourself the following question:


Finally. Your goal is to stimulate customers to purchase your new launched brand. In this case a purchase is the kind of action you want to stimulate. In the Automation Center program this is where the checkout page and possibilities are of importance.

How to analyze action?

Ask yourself the following question:

Do you see possibilities to improve on the point mentioned above? Then please do so.

How to analyze action in rates?

Ask yourself the following question:

I hope this blog inspired you to analyze your campaigns from a customer journey perspective and helped you match the different stages of the AIDA-model with data and functionalities from SAP Emarsys.

Sophie Derksen

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