Could you add this field? While you’re at it, can you also make a change to the status profile? These types of requests are familiar to a consultant. Please note that any additional change will require effort, and extra time and might cause unforeseen situations.

During the project execution or implementation of the change the scope is clear. Upfront the requirements are set and the expectations with regard to the delivery are clear. There is an alignment with the business and the work is started. During a first demo there is feedback. Positive feedback, a change or a first finding. But there are situations were the requester understands the product in more depth. This new insight can lead to a change on the design. From Agile/SCRUM point of view it is a new item on the backlog. And that item will be picked up based when it’s important enough in relation to the other backlog items.

In practice, this is different because it is difficult to distinguish between the initial requirement and the updated requirement. For the product owner, this extension is not a question mark and he/she therefore expects the updated requirement to be delivered. The consultant understands this and will try to deliver what is requested, knowing the possible impact on the schedule. This way of working puts you on thin ice. The customer gains new insights and constantly sees new possibilities. Let’s see how we can do things differently in the future.


If you get feedback next time, put it as a change on the backlog. Define the need in detail. Discuss the details with the requester, be empathetic and try to understand why the change is necessary. Don’t start implementing right away. It is not up to key user or consultant to decide on implementation, so first complete the registration. It’s up to someone else to decide on the next step.


Once the change has been registered, it is up to the business to take it further. If it’s important, it will be realized. Does it affect other functions? How much time does it take? What does it take to address this? In short, you have to be alert on the impact. A good estimate must be made and it must be clear which resources are required. The estimate can be provided by the team during a refinement session. Based on the outcome, the product owner must approve the change as one of the following items in a sprint. In case of urgent changes, it can be added to the actual sprint to replace one or more items on the sprint backlog.


Only when the work has been properly estimated and agreement has been reached, do we start the work or schedule it. Only then can attention be paid to the change. Because it is better thought out, the result will also be better. In addition, we also have a better view of the amount of time required for the delivery of the change. This also helps us to make an estimate next time.

The business experience is much more positive if you give each item the attention it needs and thus improve the delivery. Focus on what is important and when it is picked up it has been well thought out. This prevents misunderstanding and allows us to offer every change as a “present” that also makes the business happy.

Jan Willem Kroneman

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